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The Armorwing is a large dragon of the Mystery Class that made its debut in the fourth season of DreamWorks Dragons: The Series, Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 2. The Armorwing most noted for its uncanny habit of welding metal to its body.

Quick Answers

What is the Armorwing's unique ability that allows it to attract new scraps of metal to its body? toggle section
The Armorwing dragon from the 'How to Train Your Dragon' series has a unique ability that allows it to attract new scraps of metal to its body. This is due to its highly magnetic body. Any metal-containing object that comes near the Armorwing gets stuck to its body. The dragon then uses its oxy-acetylene flames, similar to those used in modern welding, to fuse the metal onto its body, creating an ever-expanding coat of armor. This welding dragon is known for its bright fire and its preference for isolation with its private trove of discarded metal treasures.
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What is the Armorwing's primary defensive mechanism? toggle section
The Armorwing's primary defensive mechanism is its unique ability to fuse magnetic metals onto its scaleless body, creating a protective shell of armor. This dragon, often referred to as the 'welding dragon', uses discarded metal treasures to form an ever-expanding coat of armor. Despite its wings being left bare, the Armorwing can deflect dragon flames with them. However, beneath this intimidating armor lies a much different dragon that prefers to remain in isolation.
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What is the significance of the Iron Isle to the Armorwing? toggle section
The Iron Isle holds great significance to the Armorwing, a dragon species from the 'How to Train Your Dragon' universe. This island is the only known home of the Armorwing, a dragon known for its unique ability to weld metal to its shell for protection. The Iron Isle is rich in discarded metal, making it an ideal habitat for the Armorwing. This 'welding dragon' scavenges for any metal it can find, from unsuspecting travelers' swords to helmets, and fuses it to its hard shell. So, if you ever find yourself exploring the Iron Isle, make sure to keep a firm hand on your metal possessions!
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How does the Armorwing use its welding torch-like flames? toggle section
The Armorwing, often referred to as the 'welding dragon', uses its welding torch-like flames in a unique and fascinating way. It uses these intense flames to create a metal armor for itself. The Armorwing attracts scraps of metal to its body, which is magnetic, and then uses its oxy-acetylene flames to weld these pieces together, forming a protective shell. This armor allows the dragon to withstand multiple attacks and also serves as a form of intimidation. Additionally, the Armorwing's flames are so bright that they can temporarily impair the vision of both humans and other dragons.
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What class of dragon is the Armorwing classified under in Dragons: Race to the Edge? toggle section
The Armorwing is classified under the Mystery Class of dragons in Dragons: Race to the Edge.
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Official Description

Sitting atop its hoarded pile of looted metal on Iron Isle, the Armorwing appears at once impregnable and invincible, but appearances can be deceiving.
With its welding torch-like flames and chain-whip tail, the Armorwing keeps enemies at bay long enough for it to attract new scraps of metal to its magnetic body and fuse them into an ever-expanding coat of armor. The Armorwing's fire is also incredibly bright, as it is able to temporarily disorient the vision of other dragons and humans.
However, the Armorwing's armor is just a shell used for protection and intimidation. Beneath that reinforced hide lies a much different dragon that would prefer to remain in isolation with its private trove of discarded metal treasures.
With its welding torch-like flames and chain-whip tail the Armor Wing keeps enemies at bay long enough for it to attract new scraps of metal to its magnetic body and fuse them into an ever-expanding coat of armor.
Vikings will have to be very precise, and very careful, to find the chink in this Dragon's armor!
Sometimes, dragons just can't help being a bit kleptomaniac - and the Armorwing is no exception especially when it comes to the need to stay fully-protected! Thanks to this dragon's skirmish with o'l Gobber, though, now Vikings have the chance to train it at a reduced price!
If there's anyone who knows how to be well-armed and battle ready, it's got to be Gobber the veteran blacksmith of Berk. Problem is, there's really not much a blacksmith can do if he doesn't have the right supplies. Just when he thought he could start the day with his brand new bandwagon of scrap metals, suddenly Gobber found them missing! Outraged by this unfortunate revelation, Gobber spent all morning figuring out just what happened.
Out of all possible suspects he could think of, he could easily think up two dragon species known for their metallic desires. There's only one surefire way to find out who, and he quickly went to work to lure out his suspect at night. What he wasn't expecting, though, was to find not the Smothering Smokebreaths he assumed to be his nightly thieves - but a mothering Armorwing instead! How did he figure that out? Well, after finding this Mystery Class dragon rummaging through his meager wagon, Gobber followed it all the way to its nest nearby.
Understanding that it was preparing equipment for its future newborns, Gobber knew exactly what he could provide in exchange for some of his scrap metal back. After striking a deal with this protective dragon, now you can pick up a new Armorwing through Johann's new egg sale today!

Physical Appearance


Apart from fragments and scraps of metal fused to its shell, the rough and dull Armoring egg isn't too special.

Hatchling to Adult

This dragon has a tan-coloured head similar to that of a Monstrous Nightmare, as noted by its under-bite, nasal horn between two large nostrils, bulging yellow eyes and a pair of twisted horns. While its body is soft and unprotected like that of a Boneknapper, this dragon collects and fuses metal to its skin. Primary areas protected are its chest, neck and tail. The Armorwing looks like a mix between, or a hybrid of a Monstrous Nightmare, a Boneknapper and a Sword Stealer.

Titan Wing

While the appearance of this dragon does not change as drastically as other dragons do, the Titan Wing in Dragons: Rise of Berk has lime green skin and seems to take a liking to collecting sharper scraps of metal and fusing them along its neck. It also appears to have longer wing bones.


Magnetic Body

The Armorwing's body is magnetic, and it can cause any metallic objects to be attached before being welded by its flames.

Armorwing firetype2


Its blinding flames are incredibly bright, often emitting sparks, and is able to disorient the vision of other dragons. This causes its vision to be foggy, dim and hard to focus. Their fire is hot enough to melt and fuse metals to its body. Its fire consistency is similar to that of a Deadly Nadder, though it has the same elements that compose a Night Fury's blast.

Metal Armor

Unlike the Boneknapper which hoards dragons bones and uses them, this dragon is able to make armor out of metal by welding it together on its vulnerable, non-scaly skin. The characteristic is also shared by the Sword Stealer. It was able to endure many attacks from a Monstrous Nightmare like Hookfang. Their armor is said to be 'ever-expanding', with these dragons constantly adding to their collection of scrap metals.  

Speed and Agility

Armorwings have been shown to be able to travel at fast speeds and with surprising agility with all that metal armor on its body as if it doesn't hold them back at all.

Endurance and Stamina

Armorwings have proven to be sturdy opponents. It has been shown enduring attacks from Monstrous Nightmare, blocking their attacks with their wings. As their body is protected by metal, this makes the dragon all the more less susceptible to such attacks. Their stamina can once again be proven by the fact that they can fly easily even with the weight of metal against their backs.  


The Armorwing is able to carry many metal weaponry on its body that have been welded. It can also carry Snotlout with out showing any signs of struggle.

Behavior and Personality

Armorwings spend a lot of time searching for metal scraps and adding them to their piles of metal--from goblets to axes. Due to their dependency on these materials, they guard them closely, often appearing as fiercely territorial. When approached, they will not hesitate defend themselves and their precious loot of metals, as shown in "Snotlout Gets the Axe", where an Armorwing immediately attacked Snotlout and Hiccup.

In addition to its hostility, this dragon prefers living aloft. Unlike many dragons that live in packs or swarms, this dragon is said to enjoy being alone with its treasures.


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Armorwing attacked by Smokebreaths.

An Armorwing is vulnerable without it's armor, due to its soft scales. This makes them potential victims to Smothering Smokebreaths, a species of dragon that collects metal. When left without an armor, an Armorwing would seem hopelessly fragile and vulnerable, often flailing aimlessly and refusing to take off.


Not much is said about training Armorwings, but like most dragons, bonding with them requires trust. while they appear aggressive and somewhat stand-offish, helping them again and proving yourself as no threat will assure them that the human is trustworthy. As seen when Hiccup defeated a battle against Smokebreaths and passed the Armorwing a piece of scrap metal, the Armorwing gladly accepted it and dipped its head in gratitude.


Dragons: Race to the Edge

Season 2

The first appearance of an Armorwing takes place in "Snotlout Gets the Axe", in which Snotlout loses his ceremonial axe and has to recover it, only to find it in the claws of an Armorwing, Bandit. Unable to recover it from a very aggressive Bandit, they head to Breakneck Bog to round up some Smokebreaths. The smaller dragons promptly looted Bandit of all his metal, leaving him defenseless. The gang soon realizes their mistake and quickly lead the Smokebreaths away with the remaining metals. Hiccup then offers him a scrap of metal, much to Bandit's delight.


Dragons: Rise of Berk

This dragon appeared in Rise of Berk, along with its Titan Wing form and three other individuals--Bandit, from the original series, Coldsnap and Gresskarmor.

School of Dragons

Armorwings then became available in School of Dragons promptly after the release of the episode.


  • Due to similarities in its body with that of the Boneknapper it could be that the two are possible of the same species however may have chose to armor themselves in different ways, however the two also have different fire types which may disprove this.
  • The Armorwing's head and other body parts, such as its knee spikes, look like the bones that the Boneknapper uses. This could mean that most of the Boneknapper's bone armor come from this dragon.
  • The Armorwing is the first species to be named by Hiccup.
  • In an article from School of Dragons, it is referred to as "Armor Wing" but that just might be a spelling error.
  • It is the first franchise dragon with an "A" at the beginning of its name.
  • It is the third dragon respectively, to protect its body using armor, the first being the Boneknapper, and the second being the Sword Stealer.
  • It's also the third dragon with the word "wing" in its name.


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