How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

The Buffalord is a large Mystery Class dragon that appears in Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 3 and later appeared in the games School of Dragons and Dragons: Rise of Berk. This dragon has been said to be hunted to extinction, but recently, an individual has been spotted at the far plains of Odin's Respite.

Official Description

Although it's been hunted to near extinction, the benevolent Buffalord holds the only cure to the lethal disease known as The Scourge of Odin.
Once roaming across the archipelago in large herds, the Buffalord now lives a solitary existence grazing in peace and secreting a green drool with amazing curative properties. As such, this exceeding rare dragon would fetch a hefty price at any auction. Fortunately, the Buffalord has no interest in leaving its grassy plains and will keep any hunter at bay will its abilities: firing the many spikes studding its hide and doubling its size by inflating!

Vikings from all over Campus have been talking about it! Have you heard the news? A new dragon has been spotted on the grassy hills of School of Dragons. And now you can join all the eager dragon trainers, rushing to Johann’s Trading post, to meet and befriend the serene and beautiful Buffalord!
The dragon appeared seemingly out of nowhere, as if drawn to the green hillside found surround parts of campus. After eating its fill, this winged companion flew down to closer to the school grounds, hoping to find more resources to sustain its travels. And, it was at that moment that the Headmaster realized what was before his eyes. “It’s a Buffalord!” he exclaimed before tracking down Hiccup to help welcome the dragon. They provided it with food and followed it to its nest, tucked away on a secluded isle not far from Berk.
Hiccup looked to the book of dragons to find out that this Mystery Class dragon was well known for its armored body, potent - and sometimes curative - saliva, as well as its explosive fire! And because many Vikings had never seen an actual Buffalord until now, the sudden encounter created quite a buzz.
But more importantly, Vikings like you now have the opportunity to train with this laidback and darling dragon. Think you are ready to welcome the Buffalord to your brood?
  School of Dragons  

Don't let its docile demeanor fool you! Thought to be extinct, this already massive Dragon will double in size and will become extremely aggressive if removed from its food source.
When in battle (or away from its food) this Dragon can puff up to reveal spikes covering it from head to tail. If its not blasting these spikes, its snorting out flames...
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  

Physical Appearance


Buffalord eggs are green with brown spots and its surface are formed by four segments overlapping each other. They have a row of several bony plates on their surface.

Hatchling to Adult

The Buffalord's head is similar to a turtle's, with horns growing to the side and forward, like a yak, and a single horn resembling that of a unicorn or a rhinoceros growing atop the skull. It has very large wings, and four small legs that are positioned close to the middle of its body. It also boasts a row of spines along its back, with smaller one scattered on its bronze back too. As an herbivorous dragon, it is quite rotund.

Titan Wing

A Titan Winged Buffalords are light pink in color, with lighter patterns on their wings, pale belly and purple spots all over the body, excepting the belly. The horns on their heads are tan with dark brown stripes. They have occasional spots of orange on their wings. In addition, their spines, horns and wing claws have grown longer.


Although the Buffalord appears to be slow, dumb and harmless, taking it out of its territory will show what this dragon is really capable of.

Uncontrollable Fire

A Buffalord's fire is uncontrollable, and can explode in an instant. Also, it seems like the Buffalord can't control when it will fire, so these explosions happen randomly (mostly when it is attacked).


The Buffalord is capable of inflating its body to twice its normal size, scaring away any predator who tries to attack it, like a pufferfish. This skill enables them to break out from small, enclosed spaces to gain freedom.

Shooting spines

Similar to Deadly Nadders, Whispering Deaths, Screaming Deaths and Razorwhips, the Buffalord can shoot spines from any part of its body, but it seems that it can only shoot them when it inflates its body.

Healing Saliva

Its green drool has amazing curing properties, and is the only known cure for a lethal disease known as the Scourge of Odin. The Buffalord's saliva is only effective against the Scourge of Odin when mixed with the herbs it feeds upon. The only problem being that the saliva rapidly dries up, so the patient needs to be close by to be given the drool.


As shown in the series, aside from its abilities of inflation, the Buffalord is capable of lifting and dragging a ship, which forced Ryker and Viggo to set the creature free. When it was captured it was able to easily destroy most of the ship it was inside, especially impressive as Viggo's ships are designed to keep Dragons contained.

Behavior and Personality

This dragon is endemic to the native plains with an abundance of herbs. As it makes up the staple of their diet, Buffalords do not leave their homeland and spend most of their time grazing peacefully alone. They appear to be fully content with their lives there.

This big, Mystery class dragon is possibly the laziest dragon, seeming even more so than the Hotburple. Despite their limited contact with humans, Buffalords are described to be extremely docile, even "yak-like", by Fishlegs in Race to the Edge as it did not attack the riders even when they approached it. Snotlout contributed this to their near-extinction. They are however, known to be stubborn and refuse to leave their homes and will willingly attack any hunter that tries to remove them.


Due to its incredibly docile nature, this dragon hardly puts up a fight, as seen when it willingly allowed Hiccup and Viggo to lead it away from the island. The dragon only noticed signs of threat after it got a significant distance away.


Dragons: Race to the Edge

Season 3

When Astrid comes down with the lethal Scourge of Odin in "Buffalord Soldier", the gang rushes to find the said-to-be extinct Buffalord in hopes of finding a cure. When they finally spot one at the far end of the archipelago, they attempt to lead it back to the Edge, only to have the dragon release exploding flames in protest. As such, they collect its healing saliva, only to find that it dries up very quickly. They bring Astrid over to the island, but Viggo has other plans to seize the Buffalord to the black market. After a major dilemma, Hiccup promises to let Viggo take the Buffalord away, if only he gets the cure. Reluctantly, both parties agree and Astrid is cured. The Buffalord is led away, still passive and gentle. The gang is upset with Hiccup's seemingly unnecessary sacrifice, while Ryker Grimborn is somewhat surprised that they did not put up a fight. Viggo remarks that Hiccup is one who keeps his word, only to whip around and see that the Buffalord had broken out of its cage and made its way back. The Buffalord lands back on the exact same spot, next to a smirking Hiccup, to resume eating.

Season 5

A buffalord is mentioned briefly during one of Tuffnut's many speeches, in the episode "Dawn of Destruction".

Watching these two reminds me of gazing upon the giant water Buffalord as they graze against the tender auspices of the wheat fields of yester-year.
  — Tuffnut  


School of Dragons

The Buffalord became available in School of Dragons in an update on November 18, 2016.

Dragons: Rise of Berk

The Buffalord became available in Rise of Berk along with its Titan Wing form and a specific individual, Big Buff.


  • The Buffalord's name came from "buffalo." Like the animal, Buffalords can be docile but dangerous when they feel threatened. They also live in grassy plains in large herds.
  • Viggo apparently knew little about the Buffalord, as he easily accepted Hiccup's surrender of it, not knowing this is in fact a trap set by Hiccup: as soon as the Buffalord is taken away from its island, it violently destroys Viggo's ship and goes back home.
  • The Buffalord appears to be herbivorous. While other dragons (including Nadders and Nightmares) have been shown occasionally eating plants in the series, the Buffalord subsists entirely on grasses and herbs unlike most species which are shown to be carnivorous or at least omnivorous.
  • The Buffalord has a strong resemblance to a Boulder Class dragon.
  • The Buffalord is the third dragon that has been confirmed to be near-extinction, with the other two being the Sliquifier, due to Sliquifiers being hunted by Scauldrons, and the Night Fury, though the reasons for its scarcity has yet to be revealed.
    • Despite this, it, alongside the Sliquifier, can have several different individuals in School of Dragons and Rise of Berk.
  • One of the Buffalord's roars is actually a reused roar of the Red Death from the end of How to Train Your Dragon film.
  • The Buffalord cashes a "hefty price" for its saliva because the spit glands are able to produce the only cure for the Scourge of Odin.
  • After calming down from its rampages, the Buffalord tends to let out a small belch.


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Buffalord uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Rise of Berk Wiki page Buffalord. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). ROBWiki Logo
Buffalord uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dreamworks School of Dragons Wiki page Buffalord. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). SODWikiLogo

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