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Turn and Burn is the fourth episode of Season 3 of Race to the Edge. It was released on Netflix on June 24, 2016.


Hiccup's and Snotlout's fathers put aside their differences and work with their sons as a team to defend a storehouse against an unusual invader.


Hiccup makes some adjustments to the wingsuit, much to Toothless's dismay, and prepares to forge it with Toothless' fire. Snotlout surprises Hiccup and volunteers to do the metal forging for him, but he and Hookfang blow too much fire in the chimney, which lights the whole area on fire. The twins arrive on Barf and Belch and put out the fire with a large box of water. Snotlout puts aside Hiccup's arguments that his actions were rash. Stoick arrives not to talk to Hiccup, but Snotlout.

Stoick complains to Snotlout about his father, Spitelout. Spitelout is hard to put up with, and Stoick's issues with him are very similar to those of Hiccup's problems with Snotlout (as Spitelout once even nearly burned down the whole village despite Stoick's warnings, just like Snotlout did). Spitelout's been acting differently since joining Astrid's Dragon Riders and has a number of suggestions he'd like to make to improve the village, to Stoick's annoyance, one of which was find a back-up place for extra emergency supplies. Stoick allows Spitelout to follow up on this and Spitelout goes out on a number of reconnaissance missions, but hasn't returned from his recent expedition from last month. Stoick has what appears to be a coded map of Spitelout's location, but Snotlout says it's just his dad's bad writing and grammar. Snotlout and Hiccup choose to join Stoick to find Spitelout.

The three fly their dragons out to an island, where they find a mysterious building. Hiccup looks inside the building to see a number of supplies, but no Spitelout. To the left of the building, they find a yak right next to a catapult. Snotlout recognizes it as a yak master, and accidentally triggers it, trapping him, Hookfang, Hiccup, and Toothless in a large net. When they ponder why Spitelout set up a dragon trap, they encounter a Singetail circling them. Stoick and Skullcrusher try to fight it off to no avail. Stoick prepares to swing his axe at the net to save Hiccup, Snotlout and their dragons, but hesitates when Snotlout tells him not to. Spitelout arrives with Kingstail to rescue the group and leads the large beast away. Stoick chases him and the dragon on Skullcrusher, leaving Hiccup and Snotlout in the net.

Spitelout warns Stoick not to interfere, but Stoick ignores it. The dragon fires back at Stoick and Skullcrusher, knocking them to the ground. The two join Spitelout back at the net, where Stoick and Spitelout argue about the situation and free Hiccup and Snotlout. Hiccup and Snotlout side with their respective fathers on the argument. Spitelout reveals that he's been building the storage building for the last month, as he knew Stoick would disagree and complicate the plans. He finished building despite the Singetail's presence and argues he was there first. Stoick argues the beast itself makes the island too dangerous of a place to have the storage house. Hiccup tries to calm both sides down to reach a mutual decision, but it proves difficult with the Singetail's presence and the Jorgensens' point of views. The Jorgensons go after the beast despite Hiccup's warnings, and Hiccup and Stoick follow. Despite being outnumbered, the beast manages to knock both Spitelout and Stoick off their dragons, leading their sons to rescue them. After determining the belly to be the weakness, they argue over who gets to take the shot before taking off.

Spitelout shows them some places the Singetail has burned, and Hiccup knows something's wrong as the fires aren't concentrated. When they try to enact Hiccup's plan, they find out that the dragon's underbelly also emits fire. Stoick has had enough of the dragon and Spitelout and decides to leave while Spitelout is determined to stay and protect his creation. Hiccup and Snotlout are reluctant to side with their fathers, but go along with their respective ones.

While flying home, Stoick continues complaining about Spitelout. Hiccup relates his situation with Snotlout to his father, but tells him that the Jorgensons' recent actions, though crazy, might be the two trying to prove themselves to their superiors. Stoick reluctantly chooses to fly back to aid them much to Hiccup's delight.

Back at the store house, Snotlout rescues the yak that the Singetail almost grabs, and find out there's two Singetails after them. The Haddocks arrive to assist the Jorgenson's and figure out that the fire the first Singetail was making was calling for back-up. Even more Singetails arrive and start surrounding them. While Stoick thinks they can take them, Spitelout finally gives in when they're outnumbered and he and Stoick decide to build another store house at a different location together. The four escape, but not before Snotlout rescues the yak his father had placed. Stoick briefly goes back for a second to retrieve the S that Spitelout placed in the front of the building.


The transcript for this episode is here.


  • Astrid and Fishlegs do not appear in this episode.
  • While the twins appear, they do not speak in this episode.
  • Singetail makes its debut.
  • Snotlout makes reference to the song 'Yakkity Yak' by The Coasters by paraphrasing two of the song lyrics when saving a yak from the island.


designates a character that appears but does not speak